The new Internal Regulations of the Mexican National Banking and Securities Commission (“CNBV”) came into effect today (the “Regulations”)

The new Regulations that were
published yesterday, abrogates the previous regulations published on November 12th, The following points stand out:
(i) The figure of the Interinstitutional Committee is added to function in accordance with the Law to Regulate Financial Technology Institutions (“LRITF”), as part of the administrative bodies and units of the CNBV
(ii) They acknowledge the authority of the President, and the officer of the Vice Presidency and the General Direction of the CNBV to enforce the agreements of the Interinstitutional Committee, (a collegiate body empowered by the LRITF to authorize the organization and operation of Financial Technology Institutions).
(iii) The creation of General Directorates such as:
– Information Security Supervision; with authority to supervise and evaluate the financial entities and establish the necessary mechanisms to preserve the security of the information.
– Supervision of Financial Technology Institutions; with authority to supervise institutions and persons that carry out activities set forth in the LRITF.
– Government Bodies and Legal Consultancy; with powers to organize and coordinate the projects of the Governing Board and the Interinstitutional Committee.
– Supervision Methods and Processes; with powers to review the policies and procedures of administrative units.
(iv) The creation of the General Directorate of Supervision of Popular Financial Companies B under the Vice Presidency of Supervision of Preventive Processes, with powers to supervise and authorize the administrative procedures of the entities provided under the Law to Regulate Financial Groups.
(v) The Vice Presidency of Supervision of Preventive Processes will have a third General Directorate, which will be the Prevention of Operations with Resources of Illicit Origin C, which will be in charge, apart from its attributions according to article 48 of the same Regulation, safeguard the Public Registry of Exchange Centers and Money Transmitters. As a whole, the three General Directorates will carry out functions of formulating statistics and implementing the necessary management indicators to monitor the processes of the Vice Presidency.